How to Make Iced Tea

Why did nobody tell me how flipping easy it was to make iced tea? I assumed you needed a 20 gallon jug, a million tea bags, a sunny day, and a week’s notice. A few weeks ago I hosted a Royale Purple Brunch with a little help from Plum Deluxe. They sent over some Royale Purple Tea and some Afternoon “High Tea” White Tea for me to try (as well as some Deluxe Tea Sugar). Then Andy (the founder) sent me this super easy link to make the perfect iced tea.

AND GUESS WHAT?! It was easy. And it’s cut down my bubble tea costs significantly. I’m gonna show you how it’s done. (Admittedly I made a few changes of my own, so you should read the original article for all the details. For example, I’m pretty sure I was supposed to shake it in ice, not put it in the ice. Maybe I’ll get there one day. Step 1: buy a shaker thing.)

Step 1: Get your materials. 

I found that the best way to make iced tea was in a mason jar. It seals easily. They come in all sizes. They don’t take up that much room in the fridge. It’s perfect.


Step 2: Measure out the tea.

2 teaspoons of tea leaves per 8 oz of water. Easy peasy.


Step 3: Put the tea in water.

Then wait.


Step 4: Get your second round of materials.

Peaches, lemons, and straw optional. Also, I had some simple syrup left over from the party so decided to sweeten it with that. The Perfect Iced Tea post has that recipe.


Step 5: Strain it.


Step 6: Add all the fixings.

Ice, peaches, lemons, and a straw.

AND THAT’S IT. THAT’S HOW YOU MAKE ICED TEA. You can make it by the jar, the gallon, or the (alright, I ran out of larger units of measurement for liquids here, wait…) cubic foot!

Don’t forget to check out my Royal Purple Brunch on the Plum Deluxe website. It talks about finding your inspiration, creating your guest list, choosing the menu, finding the decor, and setting up for the party.


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